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Het Knowledge Expert Team van Knowledge Values heeft het afgelopen jaar hard gewerkt aan een innovatieve manier om grote hoeveelheden data te kunnen analyseren en te kunnen verwerken. Hiermee is een grote stap gezet in het slim verbeteren en uniformeren van batch georiënteerde, complexe, data verwerkende processen. Inmiddels zijn de eerste succesvolle resultaten al geboekt bij launching customers Achmea en PON.

Toepassingsdomeinen zijn onder meer regulary reporting (MiFIDII, Basel II, Solvency II, GDPR, EMIR), compliancy (Anti Money Laundering, Know Your Customer/Customer onboarding) fraude detectie en data reconciliatie.
Maar ook bijv algehele validatie, (her)classificatie en verwerking van complexe data-sets zoals klant-profielen, product-portfolio, billing-transacties, product-info en prijs-segmentatie. Zelfs het compleet vervangen van legacy maatwerk-applicaties (Cobol, Clipper, Progress etc.) in dit domein levert nu een aantrekkelijke business case op door inzet van de Match Data Processor.

Tijdens een 1e info-sessie op donderdag 26 oktober heeft Knowledge Values met trots de details van de Match Data Processor gedeeld middels een presentatie en een demo.
Wegens zeer grote belangstelling plant Knowledge Values nu een 2e info-sessie in op woensdag 17 januari van 14:00 tot 16:00 uur.
Locatie is het kantoor van Knowledge Values  aan de Herikerbergweg 242 in Amsterdam Zuidoost. Onder het kantoor is een ruime parkeergarage voor gasten.

Interesse om deze sessie bij te wonen? Vul dan hieronder uw email-adres in, dan nemen wij contact met u op.
Laat het ons uiteindelijk vòòr 15 januari weten want we sturen op een select gezelschap.

Waterschappen willen over naar gedigitaliseerde regels

De 22 Waterschappen in Nederland hebben de uitdagende taak om hun regels duidelijk te maken aan burgers, aan ondernemingen en aan andere overheden. Voor werkzaamheden bij waterwegen bepaalt het Waterschap of en hoe dat gebeurt. Dat vraagt om heldere en vlot toepasbare regels, voorzien van begrijpelijke uitleg. En digitaal natuurlijk, passend in deze tijd.  

Onlangs kwamen vertegenwoordigers van de Waterschappen bijeen in Amersfoort om te brainstormen over de beste aanpak. Op uitnodiging presenteerde Knowledge Values haar unieke visie op het structureren en vastleggen van regels, gebaseerd op principes uit de wetenschap.

Aanpak van Knowledge Values

Knowledge Values benadrukt dat goed gespecificeerde regels een voorwaarde zijn voor succesvolle digitalisatie: ontwerp de regels doelgericht, integraal en transparant. De Match™ Software van Knowledge Values ondersteunt de vastlegging van de regels in een kennismodel en zorgt tevens voor de representatie: de diverse visuele weergaven maken het lezen en valideren van de regels gemakkelijk. Tevens worden de regels automatisch gecontroleerd op compleetheid en consistentie. Het kennismodel kan ook direct als applicatie worden gebruikt (zonder programmeren!), zowel door mensen als door andere computersystemen. 

Toepassing voor de Waterschappen

Vervolgens kwam de uitwerking op het scherm van een deel van de regelgeving. Deze pilot was in enkele dagen door WDODelta met Knowledge Values opgezet. De aanwezigen waren onder de indruk van de transformatie van ‘hun’ complexe regels in een makkelijk te begrijpen kennismodel. Een schermdialoog demonstreerde de werking, inclusief de geautomatiseerde generatie van de bijbehorende documenten.

Na de beantwoording van verschillende vragen deelden de aanwezigen hun enthousiasme over de presentatie. Toepassing van de aanpak van Knowledge Values op grotere schaal is de komende periode onderwerp van nader onderzoek.


Op 7 september 2017 is afgesproken, dat de aanpak van Knowledge Values voor de Waterschappen de voorkeur heeft gekregen voor het specificeren van regels. 

In 2016 the first version of WIS*kit, a web application that simplifies the allocation process and carries out complex income calculations, has been released.
We are proud to present release 2.3 now.

The current release has been extensively tested by Eigen Haard and fellow corporations Stadgenoot and Rochdale.
The application is collectively developed based on input of various housing corporations. That way, housing corporations will follow a more uniform method, which creates clarity for the customer.

The following functionalities have been introduced in WIS*kit release 2.3:

  • The possibility to work with an annual report has been added. Advice is to only use an annual report of the previous year. This is also mentioned under the “i” icon in the WIS*kit application itself.
    Calculation for Box 3 has been adjusted for 2017.
  • You can now see with which contract partner or other co-resident you are working on. This makes usage easier.
  • In case of (a deviation from) a rejection, names of children and date of birth will be asked for.
  • Self-employed entrepreneurs are now being asked for the net annual profit and what the deduction items (self-deduction, start-up deduction, VAT exemption) are in order to reach the taxable income of the entrepreneur.
  • Added is the ability to use data of the benefit participation act (formerly the assistance).

Read more about WIS*kit on the website 

Disclosing the economic value of knowledge. A functional paradigm.

During the 9th European Conference on Intellectual Capital in Lisbon in April 2017, Dr. Larry Lucardie gave a few scientific insights that initiates advanced thinking and a new generation of ICT.

The value of knowledge is not in line with its economic valuation. Due to how economic value is perceived in the industrial systems of the 19th and 20th century, corporate bookkeeping systems do not explicitly account for knowledge. In centrally guided systems economic value was linked with material commodities created by physical labour, whereas in capitalist countries the value of immaterial assets was denied by accountancy foundations. While industrial systems have transformed into knowledge economies, bookkeeping systems still rely on concepts of industrial economies.

Knowledge economies being complex systems and enterprises, as a consequence, struggle when processing service requests. Knowledge management activities are not targeted to mastering complexity, but instead are focused on representing it. Representation of knowledge is often human-based suffering from randomness and limiting scalability in time and space. IT approaches focus on representation of logic in legacy systems that are closed and rigid and not very adequate to convey and maintain knowledge. Enterprise logic is represented in text documents, calculation sheets, flow charts and similar techniques that do no justness to the characteristics of complexity.

So, our views of knowledge and knowledge management do not seem to be in a satisfactory shape and need revision. Old fashioned concepts underlying bookkeeping systems need to be synchronised with the knowledge economy. At the same time, the value of knowledge needs to be capitalised. The current accumulation of inefficiencies offers an expected but much needed and excellent opportunity to induce a paradigm change to accomplish this. The paradigm of functional object-types delivers a broader and deeper view of knowledge relating it to complexity. It provides a theory how to characterise and structure complex logic and render knowledge usable and adaptable for the transformation function of an enterprise. In addition to scientific advances, the first practical results reveal that the paradigm, including its Match™ Technology instruments, yields unprecedented achievements that are unthinkable with classical business improvement approaches. It showcases formidable time reductions in the transformation model, lower development and maintenance costs and higher quality of enterprise logic. Its 7th generation application-by-specification development is revolutionary short and elastic.

Processing million of records in minutes

Previously it was already possible to correctly and consistently specify business logic using the Match™ Specification Developer, allowing for flexibility, transparency, zero defects and a incredibly short time-to-market in your knowledge models. With the Match™ Data Processor it is now possible to enjoy the same benefits, while automatically deploying the model to analyse and transform millions of records in minutes. 

In 2016, when authorities changed the regulations on reporting for life insurance companies (renseigneren), amazing results were achieved with a project at Achmea. Read more about renseigneren.

Knowledge Values can help control MiFID II complexity

In early 2018, a revision of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and new Regulation on Markets in Financial Instruments (MiFIR) will be implemented by the European Union (EU). While these directives and regulations are aimed at making the European financial market more efficient, resilient and transparent, they bring a great deal of change and extra work for financial companies in the EU. Among others, more reporting requirements are introduced, assessments will need to be conducted, and trading obligations will be imposed. 

Applying our Advanced Knowledge Services™ methodology, Knowledge Values can help your company to introduce intelligent regulations management solutions in reply to these new regulations. Using the Match™ Specification Developer helps your organization structure processes transparently and with zero defects. And with our newly developed Match™ Data Processor you can automatically process millions of transactions in a matter of minutes. Additionally it can simultaneously produce output that complies to the MiFID II reporting requirements or other regulations. 


Achmea is legally obliged to share information regarding life insurance policies with the Tax Authority, a process called renseigneren. It involves sharing value- and premium information, ~ 300.000 messages once a year, and information regarding extraordinary events (passing, expiration, surrender, donation, and violation of tax rules), ~2500 messages every month. This information is reflected in pre-filled tax declaration forms. Until recently, this process demanded a lot of knowledge and effort from employees, as rules were only partially automated.


As per January 1st 2017, new regulations for renseigneren came into force, tremendously effecting large life insurance providers such as Achmea. The new regulations have an impact on multiple IT systems in the chain: administration, workflow, database registration, forwarding to the Tax Authority, informing the customer, and archiving. In addition, the process adds no commercial benefit: no new life insurance will be sold by proper renseigneren. However, not complying with these obligations may lead to considerable fines from the Tax Authority.


With the expertise and principles of Knowledge Values, the rules for renseigneren were first structured in Match Developer, creating a goal-oriented and transparent, directly executable renseignerings application for all life insurance policies of Achmea. Subsequently, connections with other systems in the chain have been realised, tested, and put into production. As a result, employee effort is limited, and a correct and traceable process is guaranteed.


Last but not least, future modifications in the rules for renseigneren will be accomplished easily. In conclusion: business improvement according to the principles of Knowledge Values is a foundation for Achmea’s ambition.

On the 10th of October, the new Centraal Beheer financial advice application “Efficient Advice” went live. The goal of the project was to achieve significant reduction in the time spent on advice.

In the first phase of the project, released January 2016, a time reduction of 1 hour and 15 minutes was achieved. The method was the goal-oriented restructuring of the advice proces. In the old proces, 218 questions were asked. After the phase 1 proces, there are 138 questions left (-80), which is a reduction in questions of 37%.

In the second phase of the project, the goal is to achieve an additional time reduction of 30 minutes (for a total of 1 hour and 45 minutes, about 40% of the original proces time). To achieve this goal, the collection of the necessary client data is done through self-service. This data is sent back to Achmea and automatically analysed by Match. Match recommends a particular advice, which can be tailored by the advisor. Measurements are underway to determine if phase 2 achieved its 30 minutes of proces improvement.

In addition to the proces optimalisation, the Efficient Advice application now also generates complete advice reports in the new Centraal Beheer style (see below). Compliance has indicated that the application assures a minimum quality and that failing grades for advice reports should now be a thing of the past.

As of the 1st of January 2016, applicants for social housing do not only have to satisfy certain income limits, but also need to comply with new appropriateness standards ensuring that their income fits the rent. The web application WIS*kit – of which development was commissioned by Amsterdam-based housing corporation Eigen Haard – simplifies the allocation process and carries out complex income calculations.

“The WIS*kit allows us to make fewer mistakes and generates data enabling uniform reporting for accounting. All laws, rules, and knowledge required for proper allocation are integrated into the web application” says Marlies van den Berg, rental agent at Eigen Haard. “This is the reason why we called the application WIS*kit, in which WIS stands for ‘Woning Informatie Systeem’. It helps our rental agents to make a correct calculation and come to a proper allocation decision. In doing so, we carry out the law accurately”.

Execute process in a couple of steps

Depending on the client-specific situation, rental agents walk through the WIS*kit in a number of steps. The application carries out the calculations required for he European income test and the appropriateness test.

“We thereby kill three birds with one stone: the test on income, the test on appropriateness, and accounting” continues van den Berg. “Because all considerations are captured in an insightful PDF file. This file is all we need as substantiation for audits.”

Extensively tested with colleagues. More corporations follow.

The WIS*kit has been extensively tested by Eigen Haard and fellow corporations Stadgenoot and Rochdale. The application was developed jointly and generically. The intension is to collectively develop the WIS*kit further in the future. That way, corporations will follow a more uniform method, which creates clarity for the customer.

Benefits of WIS*kit in short

Compared to the current, mainly manual method, the WIS*kit offers the following benefits:

  • helps employees to correctly make allocation decisions
  • simplifies the allocation process
  • makes allocation more transparent and automatically generates reports, which can be used by the accountant
  • contributes to a uniform allocation method. This also speeds up audits
  • new employees are on-boarded more quickly
  • suitable for different levels: calculating the appropriate income for advertised rent, or calculating an appropriate rent for a given income.

WIS*kit has been developed by Knowledge Values, partner in high quality knowledge solutions.